EXY and Boss Play notes: Exy did saddle program. did put it on her, took right off. Let her bite, paw, ect, the old rotted western saddle. she did great. used the saddle pad as a pedestal and had her stand on it. She pawed and licked it, did lots of chewing/some licking and one yawn. Saddled up and let her walk with saddle just sitting there not fastened then took it off. That is big for her and me as I learned to BACK OFF and let her process.
ended on a good note, she followed me all around. Then I turned to boss.
got boss (both these horses caught me and that's BIG for boss). lots of friendly. did trailer games. Do NOT get on that trailer but put your foot on ramp, back on ramp, circle on ramp, retreat, graze, eat apple pieces, let's get on the trailer a little.
Sideways with fence. did get a little head up, eyes wild. did turn and turn and turn and he relaxed.
to trailer. back out, put zone 1 on tire. zone 2 on tire. relax. Get on trailer. *he only put front in and I was great with that. get off, get on, get off. graze. when he had front in up to shoulder I quit. called it a day.
good fun! Both my horses were fantastic today. I was pumped to play and did have fun myself!
September 22, 2008
September 14, 2008
Spanish Walk
Two times now after playing with Fiona I've wondered what I can do on the ground to challenge myself. Up is a direction I usually Do NOT want to go while on horseback (chuckling) but on the ground I asked Fiona to go UP. She got worried, but when i put the rope up, pointed UP, tapped her foreleg lightly she put her leg UP in the most lovely Spanish type walk. Both legs. Two play sessions. She really is getting this pressure concept!
I love Fiona. Can't wait to see what is next !
Last night she ran from me, so I played with Boss (I was too direct line thinking LOUDLY evidently). When we were nearly finished he offered the most lovely side passing for about 30 feet, so I called it quits, let him graze, gave him scratches, then let him go (the whole time we played I paused quite a lot and lovingly with a soft look stroked his face). Due to his fear in the past, I did LOTS of friendly and retreat. Only one little head up incident. But turning my back took care of that.
We stood for a long time and this play session had him licking and chewing and a little yawning at first. I just waited. He was amazed and engaged. Nice bright face and eyes, trying to figure out what I was asking (mostly get on the pedestal or put a foot or look at the pedestal, SOMETHING, ANYTHING and I'd turn my back. He stumbled at first, thinking how to get up there. Then one foot, then both. Didn't stay but that was enough. In between these sessions we jumped a log then went back to pedestal. I broke it up into sections. Log. Pedestal, circle with fence or obstacle, friendly,pedestal and repeat. We did about three turns of each and then we quit.
Nice day.
Then Fiona and I played as previously stated, when some one across the road began shooting a shotgun (dove season, sigh). She was still as stone with ears at half mast, still doing what I'd asked. Relaxed and let me throw ropes all over.
I did hindquarter disengage, pick up rope and step back as I leaned back. She did well. Lots of scratches and friendly for her, and stroking with love in hand. Head down, relaxed, I leaned against her and watched the sunset.
I love Fiona. Can't wait to see what is next !
Last night she ran from me, so I played with Boss (I was too direct line thinking LOUDLY evidently). When we were nearly finished he offered the most lovely side passing for about 30 feet, so I called it quits, let him graze, gave him scratches, then let him go (the whole time we played I paused quite a lot and lovingly with a soft look stroked his face). Due to his fear in the past, I did LOTS of friendly and retreat. Only one little head up incident. But turning my back took care of that.
We stood for a long time and this play session had him licking and chewing and a little yawning at first. I just waited. He was amazed and engaged. Nice bright face and eyes, trying to figure out what I was asking (mostly get on the pedestal or put a foot or look at the pedestal, SOMETHING, ANYTHING and I'd turn my back. He stumbled at first, thinking how to get up there. Then one foot, then both. Didn't stay but that was enough. In between these sessions we jumped a log then went back to pedestal. I broke it up into sections. Log. Pedestal, circle with fence or obstacle, friendly,pedestal and repeat. We did about three turns of each and then we quit.
Nice day.
Then Fiona and I played as previously stated, when some one across the road began shooting a shotgun (dove season, sigh). She was still as stone with ears at half mast, still doing what I'd asked. Relaxed and let me throw ropes all over.
I did hindquarter disengage, pick up rope and step back as I leaned back. She did well. Lots of scratches and friendly for her, and stroking with love in hand. Head down, relaxed, I leaned against her and watched the sunset.
Previous Post Late to Publish.
Feeding time had been interesting in the past. We did have some behaviors that were obviously dominant. Although those behaviors have not stopped all together we have realized with Parelli's help, that ears pinned was NOT to be tolerated, and we've started sending O'Rion off with zone 1 any time he looks at us with ugly thoughts. This has brought about a rather interesting change of attitude and also the way he looks at us is much nicer. Here is a pic of him running to dinner with his Dad, Albert. Albert is my husband and while he's not in the Parelli program, per se, he's learning by default how to defend his space, how to turn away a horse at feeding time with pinned ears, how to do jumping jacks to keep LBI boy O'Rion out of his space with no conflict (dang, that man's crazy...I'm going over here, you can almost hear him thinking!) I'm very proud of Albert. He actually got ON Fiona when I'd played with her for an hour and she was so quiet and LB. This is the first time in 19 yeras he's been willing to get on a horse, and he did it with halter and 12' line! (I led him around, but still it's huge). The hand means "NO PICTURES!" Duh. He's an introvert..can you tell?
Lately I've had some interesting times with Boss (older QH). He's becoming more and more introverted whether or not I do ANYTHING. So I'm just hanging out with him trying to do Friendly. No pressure, no looking at him...just sitting nearby and letting him know I'm waiting for him to offer. Occasional treats and scratches help.
Last night he went starey and head down at the water trough. Hardly any breathing (hope no one sees me at this water trough). I had done nothing to him but squirt the others off to cool them. Apparently this was too much for him. So I just sat with him, not looking at him, and then did concentrate on the dirt on the ground in case I was sending sideways energy to him (looking with peripherals, ya know?) 10 mins. later he came over to me and yawned all over me, almost putting my knee in his mouth while yawning. I had a hard time not laughing at him. he licked my knee and sniffed me all over (this is big for this independant boy). Rubbing his head on my leg, he then quietly walked away. I called it good for a nice friendly session. HARD to do nothing ! but I'm making myself DO NOTHING. This is savvy that I totally attribute to Pat and Linda! In the past I'd be all over him like WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU????? SNAP OUT OF IT! chuckles. I'm smug in the knowledge that I, FOR ONCE IN MY LONG CAREER WITH HORSES, did it JUST RIGHT!
This QH is a rescue and when I got him oh, say, 18 years ago, he refused adamantly to put a bridle on unless you wanted to chase him with it for an hour....and he would pull back something horrible. I got the bridle issue sorted by myself, pre-Parelli, but I now realize I did it their way, approach and retreat, and gently. Never did I force him. So I always knew I wanted to do things a different way. Now I have the program to guide me. If there were any BIG problems I was stumped. But now I'm really quite confident I can handle almost (I say again ALMOST) anything. Fear is still an issue but that is slowly, quietly, dissipating. I have walked on Fiona (that's big for me, folks). I can do anything (this is my mantra when I get unconfident...go slow and you can do anything). It's helping!
Thanks Pat and Linda! I love Parelli!
September 8, 2008
Exy--2 yrs old Boss--22?
My LBI extreme fraidy cat, Exy, and I played two days ago. I went very slow (VERY) and tried to do things on Valium. She snorted a time or two so I just stayed with her and did lots of friendly with rope, walking away, and S bends. Not much circling but did the other games. She is worried about squeeze. Had to get a HUGE gap in between fence and her for her squeeze.
We had fun, but I'm not progressing with her like I am Fiona and O'Rion.
Boss, I think is 22, must check, sidepassed to the fence last night so I could brush his mane. big for him as I had the carrot stick and he'd been afraid of it. I have done LOTS of friendly with it, way accross the field, and never looking at him while having it in hand. He's finally getting over his extreme fear of it.
Boss is a wonderful calm LBI but easy to ride and will go anywhere and do anything. Since I've been playing in Parelli he's not offering to let me ride, however. And this is something I'm working on, getting him to offer as I know we can have a blast together.
My new love, the bareback pad, is fantastic. The saddle I have, a Wintec, has the adjustable gullet, so I can use it with all my horses and all sizes, but I do NOT feel balanced even though I have the Parelli English air saddle pad. Want a Parelli saddle but that will have to wait. And do have shims of all three sizes.
Boss is really funny as if a horse fly lands on him he ZOOMS to me or Albert at a gallop sometimes, and stops right by you with horsefly facing us. He wants us to swat them. The first time he did it I got a weird feeling thinking he's going to run me over. LOL.
We had fun, but I'm not progressing with her like I am Fiona and O'Rion.
Boss, I think is 22, must check, sidepassed to the fence last night so I could brush his mane. big for him as I had the carrot stick and he'd been afraid of it. I have done LOTS of friendly with it, way accross the field, and never looking at him while having it in hand. He's finally getting over his extreme fear of it.
Boss is a wonderful calm LBI but easy to ride and will go anywhere and do anything. Since I've been playing in Parelli he's not offering to let me ride, however. And this is something I'm working on, getting him to offer as I know we can have a blast together.
My new love, the bareback pad, is fantastic. The saddle I have, a Wintec, has the adjustable gullet, so I can use it with all my horses and all sizes, but I do NOT feel balanced even though I have the Parelli English air saddle pad. Want a Parelli saddle but that will have to wait. And do have shims of all three sizes.
Boss is really funny as if a horse fly lands on him he ZOOMS to me or Albert at a gallop sometimes, and stops right by you with horsefly facing us. He wants us to swat them. The first time he did it I got a weird feeling thinking he's going to run me over. LOL.
O'Rion-3 yr. old RBI
Been neglecting O'Rion some since Fiona and I've had such a good time, but I started him again and we found a really great time together yesterday!
Did lots of zone 1 friendly with halter (he's quite mouthy and bracy zone 1) and that went pretty well. He was quite bright eyed and seemed to have fun.
We did Shoulders (mirror my shoulders) and he didnt' do as well as Fiona (I'm sure I'm not as clear as Pat is!) and we'll work on that some more.
Put your nose here and there was Brilliant! Smart boy he got my focus immediately, first time.
put your foot is great, too. He loves to put his foot on things.
I'm very happy with him. Will try to ride soon. He has about 4 hours under saddle. So should be interesting. But I'm going slow (last year last time ridden...yeah, very slow) because of my fear issues and I want him to have a very easy time of it and not think it's a bad thing. I lean on his back all the time over the fence but he's HUGE and not sure how I'm going to get on (I'm short and stubby and he was supposed to be a more manageable height based on sire and dam. Oh well.) Gonna have to lose weight and grow some longer legs! (or teach him to lie down for me to mount!)
We had a blast and ended up with Falling Leaf and S bends. he got a little up (head up, life up) on falling leaf and S bends he gave me a sweet soft look so I quit.
Brushed manes and tails and stopped for the day. it was HOT....but I had fun.
Did lots of zone 1 friendly with halter (he's quite mouthy and bracy zone 1) and that went pretty well. He was quite bright eyed and seemed to have fun.
We did Shoulders (mirror my shoulders) and he didnt' do as well as Fiona (I'm sure I'm not as clear as Pat is!) and we'll work on that some more.
Put your nose here and there was Brilliant! Smart boy he got my focus immediately, first time.
put your foot is great, too. He loves to put his foot on things.
I'm very happy with him. Will try to ride soon. He has about 4 hours under saddle. So should be interesting. But I'm going slow (last year last time ridden...yeah, very slow) because of my fear issues and I want him to have a very easy time of it and not think it's a bad thing. I lean on his back all the time over the fence but he's HUGE and not sure how I'm going to get on (I'm short and stubby and he was supposed to be a more manageable height based on sire and dam. Oh well.) Gonna have to lose weight and grow some longer legs! (or teach him to lie down for me to mount!)
We had a blast and ended up with Falling Leaf and S bends. he got a little up (head up, life up) on falling leaf and S bends he gave me a sweet soft look so I quit.
Brushed manes and tails and stopped for the day. it was HOT....but I had fun.
Fantastic Play session with Fiona
Lately things have been fantastic with my girl Fiona. Yesterday went to play and thought that I'd try some upward movement. So held rope up, pointed up, and tapped lightly on either front outer leg. got the prettiest Spanish steps you ever saw first try! Pressure makes sense to her. I was thrilled!
We played with the trailer (float) and did circles on the ramp, then backed in and then did yo yo in and out backwards. I was at the end of the 22'. This is a HUGE improvement over the first loading where she attacked me! And I was terrified! I'm so happy.
she did not offer me to get on, so I just stayed on the ground. (I did try but for some reason she turned away, so I let it be).
We did SHOULDERS (mirror my shoulders) and she got it after about 5 mins. and seemed like she enjoyed it! I rocked back and forth after a few steps forward and back. That was rusty and we never got a true rock, but we have a beginning. This is coming together (on the ground) and I'm really having fun.
We played with the trailer (float) and did circles on the ramp, then backed in and then did yo yo in and out backwards. I was at the end of the 22'. This is a HUGE improvement over the first loading where she attacked me! And I was terrified! I'm so happy.
she did not offer me to get on, so I just stayed on the ground. (I did try but for some reason she turned away, so I let it be).
We did SHOULDERS (mirror my shoulders) and she got it after about 5 mins. and seemed like she enjoyed it! I rocked back and forth after a few steps forward and back. That was rusty and we never got a true rock, but we have a beginning. This is coming together (on the ground) and I'm really having fun.
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