Went to play with Boss, he IGNORED me totally, so to respect him, I left him. Another day. I figured I'd let him know I'd not force him.
Fiona seemed interested so I played with her. backed onto trailer, went circles around trailer, did one foot on ramp, two feet on ramp. Forward to ramp. Back off ramp. Both hind feet on ramp...back into trailer. EASY PEASY. One tiny RB (mild) when we got way away and O'Rion called to his momma. I upped the energy and she calmed right down. (yes, maam I AM the leader. Ignore that brat!) ha ha.
WELL...we did ALL sorts of things and it was fantabulous! She OFFERED first time to let me get on (fumbling and all, she stood still) and I rode with halter and lead rope (tied on for reins but I used one at a time). Pushing passenger, mirroring, and a little turn around the yard with direct rein (she started up without my really asking but my heart was pounding at first so my energy was up). I stopped with tromboning and each finger, backed two steps with leaning back first, then gently lifting and she did great. I jumped off, practiced emerg dismount, (she did great) then I GOT BACK ON...and rode around the yard a tiny bit. We grazed and I mirrored. I was NOT AFRAID and I GOT PICTURES!
THEN...drum roll..........Albert expressed an interest in getting on. This is the first time in 19 years. She was happy to just stand for him, so he got on bareback, and I walked him around the yard. I got pictures of this, and BECAUSE I took his pic, he jumped off. GREAT DAY. For some reason I couldn' t get on to photobucket or PSC with home computer but will keep trying. I'm CHUFFED as my Scottish friends say!
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