January 4, 2010

Played with Buckley!

AMAZING day yesterday! 

Got to play with Kelly Sigler's Buckley...he was like a HOVER BALL!  I thought something, he did it, and even did things I didn't realize I was sending out, but on reflection, I can see it.  He did get his play drive up a little and we played shoulders...he really got BIG for a moment...so I backed off, but dang it was FUN!  I was laughing.

Buckley likes to be CLOSE!  So that was interesting with a horse I didnt' know, but he was right with me.  Not over top of me but RIGHT THERE.  He is AWESOME!  did I mention I love Buckley!!

he sidepassed to me with just a string on his back and then faster than a walk....still sideways.  Stick with me...LOVELY....

Drove from zone 2/3 then 3, then 4 then drove from zone 5!  I was so happy. 

We did spins.  first time ever for me.  He taught me how!  (Nicola helped me see it). 

Passage!  Passage!  We did Passage!  Fantastic (on the ground).  Made me really happy....thanks, Nicola! 
She showed me how...and we were off!  both sides easily....oh Buckley I love you! 

Bad part:  I had no camera.  sigh....but memories are lovely. 

He's the best.  Hopefully I'll be better for my horse now. 

thanks, Kelly! 


mareshavefun said...

Shelly, first off, I'm so thrilled that you got such a wonderful opportunity like this.

And second, I'm curious as to how it will help you with your own horses. Have you gotten the chance to find out?


Shelley said...


You lucky girl, fab stuff and it comes across in your writing that you really enjoyed yourself. How's that for a confidence giver ;-) Shelley