September 28, 2010

Stick to Me Walk and Trot with Exy

Fiona as a Pirate no more...
Today I noted that Fiona's mask had cut her right ear right in the crease pretty badly.  I took it off....I"m sick of it and so is she.  ENOUGH already.  Her eye still has a small white haze on upper middle of eye, but she can see.  I'll keep treating it but she's been through enough with that dang mask...enough.  After 2.5 months with it on ENOUGH. 

Fi's Beautiful ears.  I love her ears...almost cried when I saw the right one today...cut is about 6 inches long and 1/4 inch deep.  This happened either last night or yesterday after I saw her.  It wasn't there then.  Mystery.  Treated it really well, cleaned, put cream and anti-fly cream around it.  She's been through enough I think.  I do not want to totally ruin our relationship. 

This is what happens when I'm out in the fields. 

exy the  sweet and funny.   We had such fun tonight. 

Rode Boss bareback, he's 26, I basically just sit there as he's Mr. LBI I can't I sit if he wants to stand there fine with me.  He's AMAZED I'm not making him do's blowing his mind! 

She on the other hand...loves to play and is in my pocket the whole time I'm out. I had a blast.  Exy is my nap girl...she loves to nap.  I find her lying all over the field with everyone else standing guard. 

I'm all sweaty and stinky right now from playing with my horses. However, I had a wonderful session with Exy, my dapple grey mare. She is actually pretty amazing and very funny. We are playing at stick to me...and she loves to jump on the tarp if I drag it just like a little frog...stiff legged and's hilarous.

Tonight I had her walk and trot mirroring me...if I walk, she walked....if I sped up she trotted but I did have to reinforce the trot, but she got it right away. I stopped by exhaling and relaxing..then stopping, she stopped. This went well on one side and pretty well on her other side....preparation for ridingbareback with no bridle. (not sure if I have good enough balance for that but it's my goal at least at exhibitions. also I ran from her and she chased me...she got it right away.

The other horse behind her, O'rion, (rose gray) is a big scaredy cat and I played with him doing lots of friendly, but he wanted to duck out of pressure like put his nose to the ground and then paw. LOTS of friendly and he wanted to bite/lick/chew the carrot stick so I let him. I did a few things with him then let him go.  Backed through two fences in stages, let him graze in between, with friendly on gate and friendly on him, too. LOTS of retreat with him...but he's still afraid. I kept thinking "you're ok, I'm ok." didn't seem to help. Also "do what I say but don't be afraid" to myself.   He wants to go introverted as  a learner, but loves to play with I'm trying to be really really patient. 

Albie is working nights this week so I did most of the chores alone and fed all the critters. Lovely weather here after it cleared up from this am's rain. I'm grinning from ear to ear. Exy makes me laugh out loud...I need to take pictures of her faces. If you scratch her in the right spot she pokes her lips out and wiggles her lips.....hilarious.

1 comment:

MarthaVA said...

SWEET! :-) Glad Fi is doing better - sorry about the cut on her ear tho. Poor thing has been thru a lot. You too!