January 12, 2010

2 1/2 hours, three horses

I was taken to CAVALIA for my 50th Birthday in Atlanta by my sweet hubby.  We had a lovely meal and then saw the show.  Fantastic!  I highly recommend it, although there was one stallion who did not seem happy with his job, most horses had ears forward and seemed to be happy with what they were doing.  It was Lovely! 

It was COLD.  Do I look like I'm riding this one bareback?  Ha ha!

NICE day today!~  It was 40's F today and not much wind.  The farrier (new one and less expensive but I think just as good and one that will not pop my horses!  Yes!) was coming today so I played with each horse before I gave him/her to the farrier.  They all did outstanding!  I was proud.   First was Boss (QH).  We did friendly and then stick to me.  Then moving HQ and FQ because of some nasty ears.  Then friendly (he IS afraid of the stick).  Circle with an obstacle (tree).  Yo Yo over a log.  then straddle the log and stay there.  Then back and stay there.  Lots of licking at this point.  Circle of 8.  Weave around some poo.  Nice expression.  Ready for farrier.

Next Exy.  We did friendly and lots of that, some extreme friendly and driving in zone 3.  Ready for farrier.  she wants to play!  Is very exuberent and I did not want to get her wild for the farrier.  Just in a calm frame of mind.  Success. 

Third was Fiona.  Friendly (she's afraid of the stick, too).  I really did lots of blowing with the intent to bring WAY down my energy.  She responded to this beautifully and was way more relaxed today (so was I and I could really tell she was trying hard to do what I asked.)  We did Stick to me (beautiful!) and some moving FQ because of nasty ears.  when the ears came back forward we moved on.  Match my energy came next.  Transitions on a circle up and down.  REALLY the BEST ever today!  I thought Walk...she walked, TROT, and upped my energy...what do you know...she trotted.  (I had to support with the stick just a tiny bit the second time).  Other side was brilliant!  No stick support at all.  Good girl!  OK here comes her bugaboo...canter.  I had to really keep my energy way up and WHACK the ground zone 5 but she got it and although I was thinking CANTER loudly in my head, I blew and relaxed while keeping my molecules cantering...she BLEW (lips flapping) and slowed her canter down beautifully...and when I trotted in my body so did she...then a duck landing on the ground.  That girl STOPPED!  YES!  I was so proud.  This is an extreme runaway who has had such strides of improvement!  We did that three times each side and it was lovely with lots of scratches and a rest period on there (for both of us) in between.  It was fantastic!  Now if that can just transfer to the saddle we'll be cooking with gas!  I'm chuffed! 

Tried something that I did with Buckley, Kelly Sigler's horse, the passage.  I thought UP and then did stick support under her chin and belly.  She got it.  Nicer banana than the fat belly hanging.  Then we trotted and I supported under her chin/belly  while I was ridiculously throwing my knees WAY HIGH...and trotting in place doing Passage with my body (it was hilarious I'm sure).  She didn't get it at first so I stopped, showed her UP with head and belly again, and then tried it again.  I think I got a little suspension that time (a tiny tiny tiny bit) so I called it good and moved on.  She licked a lot....and had a really nice expression on her face!  I'd say fascinated!  Belly scratches. 

I bowed really big and picked up her right front and brought head down....we did that three times and called it good.  More licking.  (really trying to do something way different than we usually do).  Trying hard not to be BORING!  I think Fiona really enjoyed our play time today.

Then did lead with tail.  Fairly non-successful but I think I missed her giving HQ to me...so my fault  that time. 

Last was O'Rion, my bad boy...very mouthy and playful/naughty!  Lots of friendly then extreme friendly zone 1/2/3.  He did very well. 
Circle of 8 with two piles of poo.   LOTS of licking and chewing and he picked it right up.  Weave with poo.   He REALLy licked and chewed this time.  And I gave him lots of time in between as he's LBI and can go over to RBI/catatonic if I push him.  I laughed a lot and blew (trying not to get myself so straight lined and hyper).  Tongue was hanging WAY out licking..it was hilarious.  Wish I'd had the camera.  That'll teach me!   It was a lovely day.  At first we did have a little nasty ears back so moved FQ some...ears quickly nice. 

 (remember we have a playground but were at the fence waiting for the previous horse's hooves so poo looked really good to play with!). 

O'Rion wanted to play with the rope so I said GREAT!  Let me help you with that....and pulled it tight.  he let go. 

Lead by front legs.  He did AMAZINGLY WELL, got it right away!    I was proud of my boy! 

He did pretty well for farrier.  Yay! 

Late NOTE:  The other night he choked.  Albert left off his 5 inch rock (slows him down or he chokes).  I heard him choking after Fiona put her head right up giraffe style...so I checked him out and found him choking.  No air movement.  Massaged his neck and got the food to go down....watched him for a while.   He stood quietly and let me get the lead rope/halter on even though he was making a horrible noise.  I'd say just enough air to keep alive.  It was VERY frightening. 

Albert felt badly so I didnt' scold him, just asked him NEVER feed O'Rion again without his rock in the bucket!  I feel without Parelli this horse would have been fighting for his life.  He could not breathe! 
I thank God every day for Pat and Linda!~ 

nighty night.  My cat just gave me a love bite.  she's a funny one.


mareshavefun said...

Sounds like you had a great day Shelly, despite the scary moments with O'Rion. I'm glad he's doing better.

Your Passage sounds very interesting, I'd love to teach that to Bree... you must share more about that.


Shelley said...

Love your blog at moment, something in you has changed and it's lovely to read. Your posts are more expressive and more thoughtful. I love what you've been trying out with your babies. Keep it up ;-)

PS. Passage, stick under chin and belly...are you using two sticks?

Julie said...

Shelly Great Job! I love the pics as well. LOL made me giggle you are so wonderful.
Congrats on the Passage as well. WOOHOO! Little or not it is awesome. I love following you!