May 27, 2008

I did go ahead and decide to officially switch to Boss. I'll still play with Fiona but I think I may need a little more savvy with her. We'll see how it goes.

Yesterday I did a LBI session with Boss. Plenty of grazing and treats when he'd do something and I noticed he really started to offer after he noticed I had more treats! When he got a little sullen I quit for a while, just rested...scratched.
Then got on and did a mirroring Pushing Passenger. he licked and chewed the whole time....I think exactly BECAUSE I asked NOTHING of him. Blew his mind. Actually before I got on he went to nip, so I backed him 1/2 the length of the field! Attitude adjustment. Head down and eyes soft, a change from a moment before with hard stare and trying to bite!

Stood quietly then for mounting (bareback pad) and it was a non issue for me. Very low key. He stood in the same place for the 20 minutes. Nice and quiet, no pressure on either of us.

We both lived. And he followed me around when I let him go after I stalked his hind end a little. When I turned away when he looked at me he "got it" that I wouldn't force him. Nice.