March 26, 2011

Level 2/3 Camp

Just returned last weekend from a Level 2/3 Camp with Kelly Sigler, *** Parelli Instructor.  It was amazing and fun, with a little bit of crying thrown in.  I learned a lot and had to REALLY up my leadership when Fiona and I got home as she decided to really test me.  Snaky head, head tossing, the whole lot.  She ran from me (hadn't done that in a long time). 

Hmmm, instead of getting upset, I got busy being a great leader.   I got myself together, put her and the herd in a smaller area and played catching game for real.  When we were through she came to me, I was able to disengage her from way far away, we did some on line lovely stick to me, then drifted back to zone 3, 4, then 5 with moving friendly.  Progressed to zone 4 driving with the new little lines (I love them).  And had fun.  She was engaged, in tune, and was obedient. 

I had such fun with my friend Allison, but was sorry my sister, who is recovering from foot surgery, couldn 't be there. 

As no one has sent me any pics of me here is one of my friend and her horse Sunny.