May 28, 2009

Sick x 2 weeks but now I'm back

I just wrote a VERY long blog. NOT sure what happened but I'm talking epic and now it's gone. I will shorten it and type some of it again. I'm ticked off.

Exy's LUMP is going away very slowly but going away! Yay! I'm very happy about that! It really had me worried.

Had the flu (swine? who knows) for two weeks. Now I'm much better although my voice is all dusky and sexy. can't quit coughing. STOP already.

Played with Boss, my 23 year old QH. He used to be LBI Extreme and attacked me twice until I figured out LBI. now he's a joy. He weaved like a champ, did circles with an OBSTACLE (key) and grazed after each game. I showed him barrels and just stood there like do what you want, ok? and he pawed at them. With gusto. He's a love. He tried to get on the pedestal but tripped. I took the TRY and moved on. good boy!

More grazing.

Scratched his belly and got the lip out and quivering. Hilarious! I was chuffed at the whole day.

did some LIBERTY with O'Rion in the horses' field. Then came Fiona at liberty. She did well with friendly and porcupine FQ and HQ and backwards. Driving she left. I spent a LOT of time with Friendly on the string and CArrot stick. She licked at the end. And came to pick it up with her mouth. BIG. She has NOT been curious about anything much. I was happy with that. LOTS of more friendly and then she left me. I got too direct about it! (can't seem to learn that lesson?!). she's very sensitive to pressure.

I sort of wandered where she was, ignoring her...and just happened upon her--OH! Youre here. did the Laborador Retriever energy and panted, pretended to be a dog frolicking and all around her and all over her and she allowed me to do much more. Yep, I was too direct line as myself. Note to self: LIGHTEN UP!

OK, I had much more here but can't do it all over again...hope you're well and living your dreams. Let me hear them!

check out Shelley's blog at

Till Next time....

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