November 1, 2009


For some reason say the word trailer in my home or take horse somewhere, and the truck and/or trailer hears you and acts up.   Today is the back tire of truck.  I've connected trailer to truck (Albert says WASH THE TRUCK AND TRAILER) like that's going to fix it.  Anyway, put trailer on truck and noticed rear tire sort of flat.  Albert takes truck to get tire filled.  Today it's a tiny bit low.  Tomorrow I"m on my own, he's working, so it's on me to put air, whatever it needs. 

Fiona and I take off for the other side of town today technically so she can meet and greet with Kim's horses and freak out over the fence...then get turned out with them so we can have a quiet clinic (prior and proper preparation, right?). 

I"M EXCITED!  Kelly Sigler is coming here on Tuesday/Wednesday for a private clinic for Kim and me.  This is JUST US watchers, no one so we can get down to it.  FEAR MAKEOVER is this clinic's theme.  Kim is afraid to ride.  I'm afraid to go above a walk.  (a few trot steps is ok and FORGET jumping, my former passion). 

I'll check back and let you know how it goes. 

Fingers crossed Kim doesn't sell her horses.  (she threatened to). 

1 comment:

Shelley said...

Hi Shelly,

how's it going? How did your lesson go? you okay over there???? Shelley (Scotland)