May 24, 2010

behind on bloggin

I'm behind but that doesn't mean I've not been playing with my herd.
O'Rion was my recent selection as he caught me and off we went.

Played with building his confidence so did things he's comfy with and then added a tiny bit of new.  rinse and repeat. 

When I first started playing with this RBI/LBI guy I thought he was more LB than he really is, so I blew him up a time or two.  I have slowed WAY down and that gets him confident, so that he can go faster--and I have to be on my toes cause he gets bored and then wants to get into trouble.

 He's mouthy and can be the poster child for Alure's twin!  

let's play tag!
He's funny and I LOVE watching him as he's another horse that was born right here and I think he's gorgeous.  (I've not really seen any ugly horses, I might add).    He is an Irish Draught who is going to be mine forever along with the others of the herd.  His Mum was imported from Ireland and a friend was so kind to let me buy her when she dispersed her herd after her husband died.

(his nose is dirty)

I"m having the time of my life with my horses, and if I never ride again, I'll still have fun. 


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