April 15, 2010

following blogs

Hello my Parelli friends,

I just wanted to say thanks for your blogs, your comments, your following me and allowing me to follow you.  You inspire me to try harder, to play harder, to make progress.  I wish you all lived right around the corner cause we'd have one heck of a play date! 

Hope to see you either in person, on the forum, at a tour stop, or maybe one day when I get to the ISC.  Can't wait to meet you if I haven't 'already.  I have met some of you, and that's been really wonderful. 
I'm in the Over the Hill Gang on the Forum and the Carpe Diem group, too.  Great groups of people and I learn about a lot more than horses from you all.  Thanks for that. 
Keep it Savvy,

and Fiona my partner.


Hilary Lohrman said...

Hi Shelly,
Thanks for your words re the bloggers among us! I agree, it means a great deal to me to know that some horse lovers are "following" my journey, whether or not they comment. Blogging is an interesting experience. It is like journaling, which I've always done, but also something that seems to help me be more consistent in both the horseplay and the journaling. It forces me to reflect on things, and take the time to notice things, in a way that I wouldn't otherwise do.
Many hugs!

Parelli Central said...

Your post really resonated with me... I always feel a kinship with Parelli folks. Thanks for writing it.

Parelli Central