June 13, 2010

Exy Playing with Tools

Exy is another piece of work.  Put halter on, she shook head and acted all pissy.  So i took it off, wrapped it up and gave her a good scratch with it.  Put it back on, with some wiggling for friendly and she took it MUCH better. 

Then put saddle pad (hoping it would stand in for bareback pad) on the ground and directed her to it, letting her paw, bite, sniff, and lick it.  In the background O'Rion went for the bareback pad on fence and was doing his best to demolish it, so I directed him to saddle pad and he went at it with Exy.  They pawed and bit it, with gusto. 

I began to feel better with O'Rion as he obviously had some issues...so let them bite it and carry on as long as they liked. 

When I got way too hot standing in the sun I called it a day, took off her halter, and came in to the A/C. 

Wanted to ride today.  Plan changed. 
Off to the pool.....

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