September 8, 2008

Exy--2 yrs old Boss--22?

My LBI extreme fraidy cat, Exy, and I played two days ago. I went very slow (VERY) and tried to do things on Valium. She snorted a time or two so I just stayed with her and did lots of friendly with rope, walking away, and S bends. Not much circling but did the other games. She is worried about squeeze. Had to get a HUGE gap in between fence and her for her squeeze.

We had fun, but I'm not progressing with her like I am Fiona and O'Rion.

Boss, I think is 22, must check, sidepassed to the fence last night so I could brush his mane. big for him as I had the carrot stick and he'd been afraid of it. I have done LOTS of friendly with it, way accross the field, and never looking at him while having it in hand. He's finally getting over his extreme fear of it.

Boss is a wonderful calm LBI but easy to ride and will go anywhere and do anything. Since I've been playing in Parelli he's not offering to let me ride, however. And this is something I'm working on, getting him to offer as I know we can have a blast together.

My new love, the bareback pad, is fantastic. The saddle I have, a Wintec, has the adjustable gullet, so I can use it with all my horses and all sizes, but I do NOT feel balanced even though I have the Parelli English air saddle pad. Want a Parelli saddle but that will have to wait. And do have shims of all three sizes.

Boss is really funny as if a horse fly lands on him he ZOOMS to me or Albert at a gallop sometimes, and stops right by you with horsefly facing us. He wants us to swat them. The first time he did it I got a weird feeling thinking he's going to run me over. LOL.

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