September 1, 2010

More Fun Liberty with Exy and O'Rion

Today was hot as hades here, in the 90's, so I have to admit I was not that motivated to play, so of course we ended up playing like maniacs and had a blast!  Honestly I forgot all about my knee pain during this, it was fab!  (hurt knee x 1 month ago, Doc appt. Friday). 

Initially I took my CS out to help with crowd control when I let Exy out of the small pen (she grabs everyone's food so we just stick her out of the way of trouble). 

I thought let's do stick to me! and it was a total bust as a HUGE, I'm talking prehistoric Horse Fly from HADES got on her butt and the bucking and farting started.  GAME ON...Exy will Zoom up to me to get flies swatted and this time she zoomed up, and zoomed on by bucking and farting...I was glad she didnt' stop so as she was looking out towards the woods away from me I encouraged her feet to go faster.  SLAP on the ground.  Neutral position...O'Rion joined the game bucking, galloping and farting.  I noted that Exy went wayyyyy down the other end of pasture and took a turn so fast her hind went almost out from under her...she was very athletic jumping a limb and more bucking and I thought it was a good thing I was not riding that! 

I moved them around a bit then turned them at the fence on either end....they turned towards the fence, so I encouraged more movement.  When they cantered by I cantered to establish harmony (we're talking wimpy cantering but I was thinking I'm cantering) and there was a lull in the action when they slowed and trotted, so I trotted, too.  (it worked! :) ) so I allowed a stop and drink.  Exy wanted to come to me but she was Way too on adrenaline, so I softly asked her to go away and she BLASTED by me again.  You would have thought I  had taken a HUGE bite out of O'Rion's butt the way he blasted off.  Silly boy.  I took pains to do lots of friendly at this point.

By this time sweat was rolling down my chest and face...shirt soaked and dust all over my nice shoes (what was I thinking to do farm work in Bjorns?!) LOL...I had been on a date with my husband to dinner and didn't change clothes...poor planning I guess.  Or just lazy in this heat?

Boss (26 yrs) just stood eating hay prolly thinking what are these idiots doing in this heat?  No way I'm in on this madness.  Smart boy.

We got into harmonious cantering again and then trotting and they looked calm so I asked them both in.  Both stood about 6 feet away and heads down, breathing hard, so lots more friendly and then some belly and ear scratching...I wished I had my camera as Exy now has a new itchy spot I found and her face was hilarious!  O'Rion just put his head way down so I scratched my way up his mane.  This boy has to be 17 hands.  He's a monster! 

Such a fun day! 
Now the plan is kick back with some lemonade on the couch and become a potato. 
Have a lovely evening of your own.   :)

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