September 1, 2010

Update on THE EYE

Today Fiona's eye, which they tell me is an autoimmune condition that may or may not have had a fungal infection and/or a bacterial infection (but they said it was not trauma, for which I'm forever grateful, as I was afraid I'd hit her in the eye with my Savvy String) is looking a tiny bit better, I'm happy to report.  It still has a small milky patch right at and below the pupil on the cornea but she can see (I tested it) and seems fairly comfortable EXCEPT when I'm either pulling on her eye catheter to make sure it's seated (like they told me to do) and when I'm injecting the meds.  We clean the mask twice a day, change pads, and put meds every 8 hours.  I"m tired of this routine, I have to admit.  But I'm doing what I have to do for my girl's eye...ready for this eye to heal! 

Please send all the happy thoughts/prayers/healing energy you can for Fiona's left eye.

1 comment:

Dona Cox said...

Sending healing thoughts and energy your way for Fiona's eye.